释义 |
1 ?迟燃烧 ... 迟进气 late admission 迟燃烧 late burning 迟压缩 late compression ...
- 1
One morning you wave goodbye, and that very evening you're burning the late-night oil in sympathy. 早晨你和孩子道别,而晚上则心疼地看孩子点灯熬夜做作业。 - 2
On holidays, her children and grandchildren would visit her, their cars crowding the driveway and spilling onto the street, the lights in the house burning late into the night. 放假的时候,她的儿孙会来看她,到时候门前车道上停满了汽车,有些还得停到街上去,屋里灯火通明直到深夜。 - 3
“Enviga increases calorie burning,” declared Rhona Applebaum, Coca-Cola's chief scientist, when the new drink was unveiled in late 2006. 2006年底Enviga刚发布的时候,可口可乐的首席科学家Rhona Applebaum说:“Enviga能增加热量消耗”。