释义 |
- n.(Ledesma)人名;(西、意、葡)莱德斯马
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The goals came from Palacio on 18 ', Riquelme on 73 ', Ledesma on 89 '. 进球队员分别是:第18分钟,帕拉·西奥;第73分钟,里克尔梅;第89分钟,莱德斯马。 - 2
Auschwitz “showed the opposite of divine mercy, how man can be inhuman to fellow human beings,” Archbishop Ledesma said. 莱德斯马总主教说,奥斯威辛「展示了与救主慈悲相反的一面,人类如何不人道地对待他人」。 - 3
Despite financial help from Catholic Archbishop Antonio Ledesma, a distant relative, Maricel struggled to cope with her disability. “I was totally dependent on my mother,” she recalls. 在远亲主教安东尼奥.莱德斯马的财力帮助下,马里尔度过了难关,“我完全依靠母亲的帮助,”她回忆到。