【摘要】: 正 1977年费密实验室的莱德曼(Lederman)等人报导,发现了质量约9.4GeV(r)和10.0GeV(r′)的两个窄宽度粒子。最近西德电子同
研究中微子的 雷德曼 ( Lederman )在一九八八年得过奖。这里面还涉及杨李的以及王淦昌的故事。
... 所属州: NJ 名字: Lederman 姓: R ...
莱德曼 ; 米歇尔 ; 兰德曼
Lederman has advised his client not to make any statements until he is sentenced.
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He faces a maximum sentence of 17 years in prison, according to his lawyer Georges Lederman.
Associated Press writers Nancy Benac, Kimberly Dozier, Josh Lederman and Mesfin Fekadu contributed to this report.
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