介 城市中文名称: 城市英文名称:Inchnadamph 州或国家代码:SCOT (UK) 国家中文名:英国 国家英文名:Scotland 纬度:58°09'00.00"N 经度:4°59'00.00"W 如果你有
... 锡纳丹布韦 sinadambwe 因奇纳丹夫 inchnadamph 阿鲁纳丹达内 aruna dindane ...
They crashed at 701m (2, 300ft) on Ben More Assynt, a Munro near Inchnadamph, in Sutherland.
BBC: Work starts on remote war grave on Ben More Assynt
It was thought the skull was washed into the Bone Caves at Inchnadamph by melted water.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Highlands and Islands | New tests on rare polar bear find
The event included a visit to Inchnadamph Bone Caves where brown and polar bear remains have been found.
BBC: 'Enthusiasm' for bringing bears and lynx back to Scotland