... Why should you sin against ? 你怎么不谦虚一点呀? in all modesty毫不夸张地 The information in my possession is strictly confidential. 我掌握的情报绝对机密。 ...
But for all the modesty of her spreading skirts, the demureness of hair netted smoothly into a chignon and the quietness of small white hands folded in her lap, her true self was poorly concealed.
But for all the modesty of her spreading skirts the demureness of hair netted smoothly into a chignon and the quietness of small white hands folded in her lap her true self was poorly concealed.
Butt for all the modesty of her spreading skirts, the demureness of her netted smoothly into a chignon and the quietness of small white hands folded in her lap, her true self was poorly concealed.