释义 |
1 ?网络游戏 [CA] 加拿大求购网络游戏(Internet Games) 2 ?网上对战 进入游戏后, 点Play cs(进入游戏)---Internet Games(网上对战)-Add Server( 战地2网战怎么能解枪获得的勋章怎么储存呀!顺便求下国内服务器的IP!
- 1
The second, GratisPay, a virtual-currency platform for internet games, was sold last year to SponsorPay, a German rival. 第二个公司则是GratisPay,一个网游虚拟货币平台——去年卖给了一家德国的竞争对手SponsorPay。 - 2
Gamegoods, his first, was a rare flop. The second, GratisPay, a virtual-currency platform for Internet games, was sold last year to SponsorPay, a German rival. 他首次掌管Gamegoods,竟遭遇罕见失败,第二次统领网络游戏虚拟币平台GratisPay,去年却卖给了其德国对手SponsorPay。 - 3
These two cartoons show two contrasting scenes. While the male student spends all his time and money playing Internet games, the female student studies diligently. 这两幅漫画描述了两个形成鲜明对照的场景,第一幅画中的男生在网络游戏中虚掷了所有的时间和金钱,而第二幅画中的女生却在勤勉地学习。