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- 互联网通信:通过互联网进行的信息传输和交流,包括电子邮件、即时通讯、社交媒体等。
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文学 网络传播 There are five kinds of methods of making news title and some special requirements by internet communication. 编辑制作标题通常有五种方式,并且要注意网络传播的特殊要求。 网络舆论 It’s necessary to integrate the special network media field with the behavior and motivation studies of public opinion on internet communication. 研究网络舆论场传播的行为与动因,需要结合具体的网络舆论场进行。
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法学 网络传播 However, due to the global nature of Internet communication, the characteristics of virtual and the temptation of high returns, current law performance not satisfactory and the Network infringement events increasing year by year. 但是,由于网络传播的无国界性、虚拟性和低成本高回报的利润诱惑,注定了侵犯信息网络传播权的纠纷案件屡屡发生且呈逐年上升趋势,保护信息网络传播权单靠现行法律制度是难于奏效的。
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经济学 网上传播 Especially in the net age, there comes to be a new way of communication-internet communication. 企业信息是企业赖以生存的基本要素,特别是在网络环境下,企业信息出现了一种新的传播方式——网上传播。 网络沟通 This paper presents CRM through the Internet in three closely linked aspects: Internet communication, Internet trust, and value realization. Internet communication is the foundation for establishing the Internet customer relationship. 本文将网络环境下的客户关系管理流程划分为网络沟通、网络信任和价值实现三个环节。
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艺术学 网络交往 Internet communication has many new characters that the traditional social communications not have. It is a new way of communication. 网络交往具有人类传统社会交往方式所无法具备的全新特征,是一种全新的交往方式。
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哲学 网络交往 Netethics mainly refers to a kind of moral norm that people obey during internet communication. It is a new ethic topic emerging and developing along with the development of Internet Technology. 网络伦理主要是指人们在电子信息网络交往中所遵循的道德准则,它完全是伴随着网络技术的发展而产生和发展起来的一个崭新的伦理学话题。
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语言学 网络交流 Internet language, which measures up with the Internet communication, is a particular form used by participants in Internet. 网络语言是指一种在因特网中被网络交际者所采用的特殊的群体用语,是人们在网络交流中的重要手段。