释义 |
1 ?国际规范 国际规范(international norm)是国际社会明文规定或约定俗成的行为标准,它源于体系中的行为体为获得最起码的安全、免遭任意武力攻击而对体系最基本的秩序和稳...
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In project of softswitch development, the company cry for study and implement the international norm of software engineering management, system integration quality control and project management. 在软交换项目的开发中,企业迫切需要学习和实施软件工程管理、系统集成质量管理和项目管理的国际规范。 - 2
That, in turn, will necessitate a worldwide stock exchange, he says, and international accounting standards will become the norm. 反过来,那将使一个世界范围的股票交易成为必要,他说,同时国际会计标准将成为准则。 - 3
A Fed official has suggested that the biggest, riskiest Banks might have to hold capital of up to 14% of assets, far above the 7% norm agreed to in Basel 3, a new international accord. 美联储的一位官员已经建议,规模最大,风险最高的银行可能必须持有资本14%的资金,远远高于新国际协定- - -第三次巴塞尔协定(Basel 3)所达成7%的标准。