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international monetary policy 1 ?外汇口 ... 外汇宝 personal foreign exchange deal 外汇口 international monetary policy 外汇流 exchange flow ...
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The chapter on the international financial crisis is an unsatisfying rehash of the usual explanations, such as loose monetary policy, sloppy underwriting and derivatives. 国际金融危机那章不太令人满意,就是些老调重弹,重述些大家听惯了的解释,比如宽松的货帀政策,保险业与金融衍生品市场的不规范。 - 2
Policy moves by China to free the renminbi from a dollar peg will help the Chinese currency rise, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, head of the International Monetary Fund, said Saturday. 周六,国际货币基金负责人施特劳斯·卡恩表示,中国对于放开人民币从盯住美元汇率的政策举措将有助于中国货币升值。 - 3
Many issues have been involved in this debate, e. g. issues related to Maekawa Report, international policy coordination, bubble economy, assets depreciation and national monetary supply. 争论还涉及《前川报告》、国际政策协调、泡沫经济、资产价格减缩和日本银行的货币供给政策等一系列问题。