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您要找的是不是: coabbr. 一氧化碳(carbon monoxide);哥... 1 ?临床肿瘤学杂志(Journal Of Clinical Oncology) ...的结果,一个随机安慰剂对照II期临床试验,厄洛替尼联合或者不联合entinostat治疗进展期非小细胞肺癌在《临床肿瘤学杂志》(JCO)是发表。 2 ?捷高 15V2.4A安防监控室内专用电源 RS-240/150-S325捷高(JCO) 3 ?久立集团不锈钢焊接管 (一)久立集团不锈钢焊接管(JCO)项目进度 久立集团年产?20000吨原油、天然气、液化天然气管道输送设施用大口径厚壁超长不锈 4 ?临床肿瘤学(Journal Of Clinical Oncology) 这项研究早在2002就首次在临床肿瘤学(JCO)杂志中 提出。中位随访13.8年,单独手术组和术前新辅助化疗 组的10年无进展生存率分别为16.4%和24.5%(HR=0.78, P=0.031),术前...
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Ibrutinib (ibr), a first-in-class, once-daily, oral, covalent inhibitor of Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK), is rapidly eliminated from plasma after oral administration (Advani, JCO 2013). 依鲁替尼——首创药物,每天口服一次,布鲁顿酪氨酸激酶(BTK)的共价抑制剂——口服给药之后可快速从浆细胞内清除。 - 2
In 1999, Nakagawa was involved in treating two employees of JCO, a nuclear fuel cycle company, whose mishandling of uranium resulted in massive doses of radiation. Both employees eventually died. 1999年,中川曾卷入治疗JCO公司的两名员工,经营核燃料回收的JCO公司当时由于对铀的不正确操作导致大剂量的核辐射,导致两名员工最终身亡。 - 3
Many organizations were involved in the JCO criticality accident processing, accident analysis, emergency radiation monitoring, environmental and health effect evaluation and public communication. 事故发生后日本有关部门和机构对事故处理、事故分析、应急监测、事故影响评价、公众沟通等方面做了大量工作。