释义 |
短语 - 1
JC青年会议所(Junior Chamber) ; 锦成印刷 ; 半年番 ; 制作公司 - 2
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Cancel all of your store credit CARDS - (30 minutes) it took me 30 minutes, once upon a time, to call and cancel my CARDS at The Gap, Victoria's Secret, Macy's, JC Penny. 取消你所有的商店专用信用卡-之前,我曾用了30分钟打电话并取消我在盖普,维多利亚的秘密,梅西百货还有宾尼百货的信用卡。 - 2
By contrast, retailers catering to the squeezed middle classes, such as JC Penney, Kohl's and Sears, grew by only 6% in the same period and delivered a negative 5% return to shareholders. 相反的,为苦逼的中产阶级服务的零售商像杰西·潘尼,科尔以及西尔斯等百货商店在同期只有6%的增长,股票回报率只有不到5%。 - 3
Many major employers of part-time workers, like JC Penney, FedEx and Walmart, accept online applications. 很多大的兼职公司如彭尼公司,联邦快递以及沃尔玛公司都接受网上兼职申请。