释义 |
- 惊讶得下巴都要掉下来:形容非常惊讶或震惊的表情或状态。
1 ?下巴掉落 Wild take表示难以置信(disbelief)时眼睛鼓出(eyes bulge out)、下巴掉落(jaw drops)、头部变为某物(head fade changes into something),对于漫画。
- 1
T-Bag's jaw drops, as if he's seen a ghost. - 2
As you can see, my jaw drops some, but my lips do not move, they stay relaxed. 你可以看到,我的下巴略微向下移动,但嘴唇是不动的,嘴唇保持放松的状态。 - 3
So, the jaw drops here, make the sound, ah: pretty basic, simple, and straightforward. 下巴移到这里来发这个音,ah。非常的基本、简单且明了。