释义 |
1 ?软式小型飞艇 ... 软式小型飞艇 = blimp 软式小型飞艇 = blimps 软弱 = feckless ... 2 ?飞艇 I speak English well is relatively slow, please forgive me ? 我发言是好英文相对缓慢,请原谅我 blimps ? 飞艇 ..
- 1
Unlike other aircraft, blimps do not need to form a precise aerodynamic shape. - 2
As a result blimps, adjusted to hover at appropriate heights, are often used to relay data to and from satellites. 结果是被调整到盘旋在适当高度的飞艇,经常被用来作为接受和发送卫星信号的中转站。 - 3
Although certainly slower that hopping on a jet, the hybrid blimps are nearly silent and require very little infrastructure to take off and land. 虽然肯定要比喷气式飞机速度慢一些,但是混合型的飞艇基本上没有噪声,同时起飞和降落都不需要下面的基础设施。