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1 ?肢体疼痛 急 性下背痛 ( acute low back pain ) 肢体疼痛(limb pain) 八: 4: 神经系统 与心智功能 常见问题之评估 专科护理师训练规范之标准课程(更新) ,
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If it is very wet and heavy limb pain, fatigue, poor appetite, Tongue thick and greasy, pulse moisten relief. 若湿甚则患肢沉重而痛,疲乏,食欲不佳,舌苔厚腻,脉濡缓。 - 2
Wind-resistance sputum Yu : limb pain, numbness, skin flushes, not inconsistent temperature, acral gangrene visible ulcers. 风痰郁阻型:患肢酸痛,麻木,皮肤潮红,触之不温,肢端可见溃疡坏疽。 - 3
With this hypothesis in mind, she reckoned that another way to treat phantom-limb pain might be to prevent pain memories from forming in the first place. 根据这个假设,她构想另一种治疗途径应该是在一开始就防止形成关于疼痛的记忆。