她现在改叫莉莲吉许(Lillian Gish),这个名字听起来更上口,不过她在镜头上依然很美丽,而且比原先更有女人味了。这回该轮到维托和“面条”笑话我了。
丽莉安姬许(Lillian Gish)美国默片时代女影星,曾主演上百部影片,在《恩怨情天》片中与奥黛丽赫本和毕兰卡斯特搭档演出。
作为“默片时代伟大而脆弱的尖叫者之一”,丽莲·吉许(Lillian Gish)在格里菲斯高角度的打光和摄影中突出了她天使般的脆弱的面孔。
... Joseph Cotten {约瑟哥顿} Ethel Barrymore {依桃巴里摩} Lillian Gish {吕伦居殊} ...
Lillian Gish plays an impoverished young woman whose musician boyfriend (Walter Miller) leaves to seek his fortune.
NEWYORKER: The Musketeers of Pig Alley
Actress Anna Deavere Smith has been awarded the prestigious Dorothy and Lillian Gish Prize for her innovative one-woman documentary stage shows.
BBC: West Wing star Anna Deavere Smith wins top arts prize
Lillian Gish, for all her justly celebrated spirituality, had subversive moments, too.
NEWYORKER: The Artists