释义 |
impregnation 英/ ??mpreɡ?ne??n / 美/ ??mpreɡ?ne??n / - 1
机械工程 浸注 The following results are obtained:1. The optimum impregnating technology of Chinese fir wood/Ca-MMT composite board has been obtained by orthogonal analysis of pressure and vacuum impregnation, using weight percent gain (WPG) as basic index. 得到如下研究结果:1、通过正交实验,分析了真空加压浸注工艺中的各种影响因素,以增重率为基本指标,得到了杉木/钙基蒙脱土复合板材的最佳浸注工艺。 浸渍 浸透
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计算机科学技术 浸渗 This system has run well some months for the 25 cases impregnation product line, simple operation, convenient fixing. 本系统已经在实际的25工位浸渗生产线上进行运行,使用情况良好、操作简单,安装方便,极大地降低了操作人员的工作强度。
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The organics and impregnations of uranium are everywhere coextensive. - 2
The Effects of Vacuum Impregnations on Frozen Quality of Fresh-cut Yellow Peach; 黄桃罐头果肉硬度是影响黄桃罐头质量的主要原因之一。 - 3
Different types of bitumen impregnations have different origins and hydrocarbon accumulation significances. 不同类型的沥青浸染样式具有不同的成因以及油气富集意义。