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1 ?浸渍树脂 新型聚醚多元醇增韧干式电抗器浸渍树脂的应用研究 关键词:环氧树脂;聚醚多元醇;浸渍树脂;增韧 [gap=966]Key words:epoxy resin;polyether polyol;impregnating resin;toughening 2 ?烘干漆 ... insulating varnish 浸渍树脂 impregnating resin 烘干漆 hot curing varnish 漆包线漆 ... 3 ?浸渍绝缘漆 表 中文名称: 浸渍绝缘漆 英文名称: impregnating resin 产品规格: 844K 参考价格: 16元/公斤 供应商: 点这里查看所有供应商信息 在互联网再次搜索"浸渍绝缘漆" 在化工字典中搜索浸渍绝缘漆
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Materials for Rotating and Static Rings: Impregnating resin (metal) graphite, Carborundum, hard alloy, etc. 动、静环材料:浸渍树脂(金属)石墨、碳化硅、硬质合金等。 - 2
Very low viscosity, Unfilled clear epoxy resin casting or impregnating material, has excellent physical and electrical properties. 无填充料、透明、低粘度的环氧树脂灌注材料,具有优良的物理、气性能。 - 3
The impregnating methods concerned in this paper have the advantages such as availability for different types of resin systems, prepreg with uniform resin content and higher producing efficiency, etc. 本文所涉及的预浸方法具有如下优点:适于不同体系的树脂,预浸料树脂含量均匀,生产效率高等。