... Keystone State 拱顶石州(宾夕法尼亚... keystone distortion 梯形失真 field keystone correction 场梯形畸变校正...
keystone distortion 梯形畸变; 梯形失真..
...关于梯形失真(Keystoning)和梯形失真校正(keystone distortion)??? 在投影机的日常使用中,投影机的位置尽可能要与投影屏幕成直角才能保证投影效果,如果无法保证二者的垂直,画面就会产生梯形...
梯形失真 ; 梯形畸变
To maintain an accurate image, the XV-Z15000 includes Keystone Correction, which corrects spherical, cylindrical and trapezoidal distortion of an image on a flat screen.
ENGADGET: Sharp shows off the XV-Z15000 1080p projector
trapezium distortion