

单词 international coffee organization
international coffee organization
  • 简明释义
  • 国际咖啡组织
  • 网络释义
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    国际咖啡组织(International Coffee Organization)指定意利来装饰这个咖啡展馆.这给我们机会,来掀开历史上最大的咖啡盛会。

  • 2


    ...潘昶安分析,去年全球咖啡由于霜害等因素减产,导致各国大举进口咖啡,根据 世界咖啡组织 ( International Coffee Organization )统计,2010年下半年,全球咖啡主要生产国之出口增长15.4%,在全球强劲需求的带动下,2011/12耕作年咖啡库存预估增加有限,然而各...

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    这个检定要领获得了国际咖啡社团(International Coffee Organization)以及重要的咖啡豆生产国的承认。好比哥伦比亚就承认了这一体式格局。

  • 4


    国际咖啡构造(International Coffee Organization)评释: 效果评释:Slimming Coffee不光不会对身材形成损害,还能在减肥的同时有用提神,生存事情都轻松!

  • 权威例句
  • 1.

    World output of arabica coffee will shrink 4.3% to 79.6 million bags in the current crop year, which began in October, according to the London-based International Coffee Organization.

    WSJ: Trouble Brews in Colombia

  • 2.

    India's annual coffee consumption of about 85 grams per capita is tiny compared with the 4.1 kilograms consumed in the U.S., according the International Coffee Organization, an intergovernmental group of coffee importing and exporting countries.

    WSJ: India's Taste for Coffee to Affect Bean Prices

  • 3.

    "Young people are turning to places like Starbucks because they want a trendy place to socialize and can take their iPhones and connect to the free Wi-Fi, " says Roberio Oliveira Silva, head of the London-based International Coffee Organization.

    WSJ: India's Taste for Coffee to Affect Bean Prices





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