... 雅拉什(哲拉什) Jarash (Jerash) 札定 Jardim 哈丁内斯群岛 Jardines de la Reina ...
... 房子 casa 花园 jardim 地图 mapa ...
... 北堡 beibu 北邦热苏斯 bom jesus do norte; jardim 北半天球 northern celestial hemisphere ...
植物园 ; 里约热内卢植物公园
动物园 ; 动物园站 ; 地铁站
In addition, medical waste from all the hospitals in the area was dumped at Jardim Gramacho.
CNN: Landfill's closure changing lives in Rio
At Jardim Gramacho, about 75 million cubic meters of methane gas will be collected over the next 15 years.
At the turn of the century, complaints arose that Guanabara Bay was not safe for bathing because of contaminants leaching from Jardim Gramacho.