答:一月晴雨表(January Barometer):标准普尔500(S&P500)指数在一月份的表现预示该年的市场表现。如果标准普尔500指数在一月份上升,那么该年该指数上升的几率较高。
名词解释 : 『一月效应』(January Barometer) 一般认为投资者如看好全年股市,最佳入货时机为一月份,若不看好,会趁年头沽货,就此去预测全年股市走势,所谓一月效应之称。
If that happens, according to the January Barometer, Obama could wind up winning a second term.
FORBES: Market's January Advance Bodes Well For Financial, Tech And Materials Stocks - And Obama
In my discussion of the January barometer, I noted that 2001 was an ugly year for the stock market.
FORBES: The Week Ahead: Should You Fear the Black Water Snake?
Because all these events are difficult to predict, whether the January barometer will hold up next year is a big question mark.
FORBES: Goodbye January Effect and Other Superstitions