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1 ?舌向 ...四军医大学》2007年博士论文 的增加,垂直向(Axial,AX)加载时,皮、松质骨的EQV应力峰值分别降低77.4%和68.4%;颊舌向(Buccolingual,BL)加载时,皮、松质骨的EQV应力峰值分别降低了64.9%和82.8%;AX和BL加载时,种植体-基台复... 2 ?颊舌向 ...四军医大学》2007年博士论文 的增加,垂直向(Axial,AX)加载时,皮、松质骨的EQV应力峰值分别降低77.4%和68.4%;颊舌向(Buccolingual,BL)加载时,皮、松质骨的EQV应力峰值分别降低了64.9%和82.8%;AX和BL加载时,种植体-基台复... 3 ?颊与舌的 ... 颊与唇的 buccolabial 颊与舌的 buccolingual 颊与鼻的 bucconasal ...
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Objective To investigate root canal curvatures of human maxillary first premolars in buccolingual directions. - 2
The segments had the biomechanical properties of osteoporosis. 100 N and 30 N loads were applied along the implant axial(AX) and buccolingual(BL) directions respectively. 对种植体轴向和颊舌向分别施加100 N和30 N的力,评估皮质骨和松质骨的最大应力和种植体-基台复合体的最大位移。 - 3
Results: The geometric feature parameters of 28 artificial teeth in their own coordinates were obtained, including the mesiodistal and buccolingual dimension, the height and inclination of cusp. 结果:得到28颗人工牙的颊舌径、近远中径、牙尖高度、中央窝深度、牙尖平衡斜面斜度的数据。