”⑩13世纪以来,特许状与专利特许证(Letters Patent)在功能和形式上日益接近。在二者的正文中,国王的自称均为复数,但二者的落款原本有明显区别,即前者列有证人名单,后者则由国王...
当时把这种证书称 专利证书 ( Letters Patent ),目 前英文“专利”一词(Patent)即源于此。
...公主”和“王妃”这些头衔以及“殿下”这一尊称的历史并不算长,根据乔治五世国王1917年11月30日颁布的英皇制诰(Letters Patent)中规定,宣布和“大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国王子”离婚后,如封号高于其自己的,尊敬的AlexanderRamsay婚后“放弃‘殿下’之尊称...
进外国技术的个人发给一种专利证(Letters Patent),授予其使用该技术 的独占的垄断妓。
She has issued a Letters Patent, which removes an anomaly that has been in place since 1917.
BBC: Royal baby girl 'would be princess'
Thousands of people gathered for the ceremony, during which the Princess Royal presented the Letters Patent on behalf of the Queen.
BBC: Wootton Bassett given Royal prefix by the Princess Royal
The previous arms, featuring a Roman Centurion and a Royal Marine, were assigned to the Borough of Deal in 1968 by Letters Patent.
BBC: Deal coat of arms