释义 |
1 ?石栎属 ...主要为红壤和黄壤,地带性植被为常绿阔叶林,主要有壳斗科的青 冈属(Cyclobalanopsis)、栲属(Castanopsis)、石栎属(Lithocarpus),山茶科的木荷属 (Schima),樟科的润楠属(Machilus)、楠木属(Phoebe)和樟属(Cinnamomum)是群落 的乔木层优势种,一般分布在海拔... 2 ?柯属 )Rehd)为壳斗科石柯属(Lithocarpus)常绿植物,又称甜茶、多穗柯、野金柴或甘茶。多穗石柯茶是我国使用历史悠久、药食同源的植物之一[1,2],主要分布于我国的西南、华南... 3 ?石栎 ...下降 相应地,孢粉中云冷杉含量较低(平均低于5%), 可见少量喜暖的山核桃(Juglans) 栲(Castanopsis) 石栎(Lithocarpus)等 碳 酸盐含量中等(31.53%-46.97%),略下降,显示水体矿化度中等 TOC中等,C/N比值 下降,指示降水减少 外源有机质减少.... 4 ?柯类 多见于我国热带地区海拔500~700m以上山地,海南岛一带山地以陆均松(Dacrydium pectinata)、柯类(Lithocarpus)等为主,云南南部则多
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The results of the experiment showed that the differences among the five species are obvious. The drying defects of Lithocarpus glaber were serious and its drying rate was slow; 实验结果表明:这五种阔叶树材干燥特性差异显著,其中椆木干燥缺陷严重,干燥速度缓慢; - 2
Rubus suavissimus S. Lee and Lithocarpus polystachyus Rehd mainly contain the sweet taste constituents, the anti-allergic constituents and so on, both have anti-allergy function. 瑶山甜茶和百色甜茶主要含甜味成分、抗过敏成分等,都具有抗过敏作用。 - 3
The results indicated that lithocarpus starch has high gelatinization temperature, higher enzymatic hydrolyzation, lower clarity, better retrogradation and bad freeze-thaw stability. 实验结果表明,石栎属淀粉糊具有糊化温度高、酶解率较高、透明度低、凝沉稳定性较强、冻融稳定性较差的特性。