Ketek(泰利霉素)是一种用于治 疗社区获得性上呼吸道和下呼吸道感 染、包括对一些常用抗菌素有耐药性感 染的酮酯类抗菌素。
甲硝唑缓释片|Florazole ER (Metronidazole Extended Release Tablets) 泰利霉素片|Ketek (Telithromycin Tablets) 巴龙霉素胶囊|Humatin (Paromycin Sulfate Capsules) ..
An antibiotic, Ketek, had side effects and multiple problems with its clinical trials, including outright fraud.
FORBES: Why Presidents Don't Shape The FDA
And Ketek is too big for bacteria to simple bilge it away.
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To fix these problems, Ketek grapples onto a second spot inside the bacteria, so bacteria can no longer escape the drug with a single mutation.
FORBES: Antibiotic Breakthroughs Fall Short