释义 |
1 ?方巾 ... 方巾 = kerchief 方巾 = kerchiefs 方式 = manner ...
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Please furnish us with your own samples of Rayon Hand-kerchiefs closest in designs and quality to those we enclose here. 请提供在花样和质量上与随函所附样品最近似的人造丝手帕样品。 - 2
If you look down from the back of the hill on fine days, you saw turbans, kerchiefs, straw hats; on wet days, coir capes and umbrellas of cloth or oiled paper. 若是站在后山上看下去,晴天里一片头巾、花帕、草帽,雨天里一片斗篷、纸伞、布伞。 - 3
As far as possible bunads are made of natural materials: linen or cotton for shirts, silk for kerchiefs, vests and bodices, and Tempered Glass Lazy Susan, jackets, trousers and stockings. 服饰尽可能会由天然材料制成:用亚麻或棉布来制衬衣,用丝绸来制头巾、背心和紧身胸衣,用羊毛来制衬衣、夹克、裤子和长袜。