...蓝屏死机(英语:Blue Screen of Death,缩写为:BSoD) 蓝屏死机的定义: 蓝屏死机(BSOD)就是显示在蓝色屏幕背景下的出错信息。一般这种出错信息严重到整个操作系统都无法正常工作,只能重新启动。
?蓝屏(Blue Screen Of Death)
...正好这几周一直在跟踪一个xHCI IP开发过程中,USB Golden tree test时,Win8电源请求超时(Power IRP timeout)导致蓝屏(BSOD)的问题,已经根据DUMP FILE初步定位第四级的SS HUB无法正常进入睡眠,但始终确认不了根本原因,而且要重现这个BUG,往往一天时间...
After flash access through USB, you either get an infinite BSOD or a PSP that doesn't boot at all.
在通过USB的闪光访问后,你到完全无限的BSOD不那样做长筒皮靴的PS P得到。
What the techie would fail to mention was that the BSOD was caused by a driver update he applied to the server without first testing it on a staging machine.