释义 |
- abbr.开曼群岛(Cayman Islands)
- n.(Ky)人名;(柬)基
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Once mixed, the calcium gluconate 2.5% jelly Can be repackaged by the pharmacist in the K-Y tube and resealed. 一旦混合好了,药剂师可以把2.5%的葡萄糖酸钙凝胶重新包装在K - Y试管内并密封。 - 2
This actually I think derives from a Greek word, "Synkope, " S-y-n-k-o-p-e, synkope. 这个术语我觉得来源于希腊语,Synkope,S-y-n-k-o-p-e - 3
Shi Y. , You L. -K. , Li J. Advances of atlantoaxial joint implant and its biomechanical analysis. 时雨,游路宽,李军寰枢关节置入物的研究进展及生物力学分析。