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化学 界面湍动 In the gas-liquid or liquid-liquid mass transfer process, interfacial tension gradient and density gradient can create interfacial turbulence, by which the mass transfer coefficient can be intensified. 在气液和液液的传质过程中,由于在相界面上产生表面张力梯度和密度梯度,从而引发界面湍动。 界面湍流
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The effect of interfacial turbulence on the mass transfer rate in physical absorption processes was investigated quantitatively. 传质过程中的界面湍动现象广泛存在,宏观上表现为传质阻力下降,传质速率增加。 - 2
In the gas liquid mass transfer processes, solute concentration gradients may produce surface tension gradients, resulting in interfacial turbulence at the interface. 气液相际间传质过程中,由溶质浓度梯度产生的表面张力梯度可以导致相界面湍动现象。 - 3
The enhancement of the rate of mass transfer due to concentration driving force induced interfacial turbulence has been investigated in several typical liquid liquid systems. 选用几种液液体系,研究了浓度推动力引发的界面扰动对传质速率的增强效应。