...k的习语在英语词典里非常多,例如a Jack in office(自命不凡的小官吏),a Jack of both sides(骑墙派),a Jack of straw(稻草人),everyman Jack(每个人),Jack Sprat(矮子,侏儒),before you can say Jack Robin—son(转瞬间,说时迟那时快)等等。
The cabinet, said the justice secretary, JackStraw, had also based its decision on a calculation of the public interest.
司法大臣杰克·斯特劳(Jack Straw)说:内阁也是基于公众的利益做出了这一决定。
JackStraw, now the justice secretary, previously the foreign secretary (and the main scourge of lawyers), told the inquiry that he could have stopped Britain joining the invasion.