释义 |
您要找的是不是: justadv. 只是,仅仅;刚才,刚刚;正好,恰... joinvt. 参加;结合;连接 | vi. 加入;参加... - 1
Enter the Temple and head down the stairs. Once reached to a t intersection (J-7), turn left (i.e. North) and pass through the "Granite Door". 进入Temple of uggalepih顺着楼梯走下去。当到达一t子路口(J - 7)转左(i.e.北)并通过花岗岩石门“ Granite Door ”。 - 2
J-10 and J-7 fighters from the Air Force's performance team had a fly-by and paratroopers performed skydiving as part of the celebration programs. 在庆典上,空军飞行表演队的歼- 10和歼- 7战斗机进行了空中飞行表演,此外空军的伞兵也进行了跳伞表演。 - 3
Challenged Employment System: Hiring Training, Performance Evaluation, and Retention of Bus Operators. (Project J-7), S-40. Summary and chapters 1, 4, 5 and 6. “面临挑战的人事系统:公车经营者的人事雇用,培训,绩效考核及人才留用”。(J - 7项目),S - 40。概要及1,4,5,6章。