释义 |
1 ?仙丹花属 ... 耳草属Hedyotis 仙丹花属(Ixora) 蔓虎刺属(Mitchella) ... 2 ?仙丹花 为营造适合蝴蝶居住的环境,樟宜机场特地在蝴蝶园内种满了棕榈树与热带花卉如仙丹花(Ixora),使得园内处处洋溢着热带森林风情。 3 ?龙船花属 6、龙船花属(Ixora): 灌木,具柄间托叶,基部合生成鞘状,雄蕊着生花冠喉部,花盘肉质,胚珠1枚。 4 ?龙船花 BV)花卉公司主要种植 龙船花 ( Ixora ), 榕树(Ficus), Croton(巴豆), Citrus, 铁筷子属(Helleborus)和ornamental pine tree等观赏盆栽植物。
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She explained the ideas behind her personal favorite: steamed egg with ixora flowers, which grow in small clusters and have a slightly sour, rose-like taste. WSJ: Flowers for the Eyes, and the Mouth - 2.
We drove home in silence, and when he parked in our long driveway I stayed back to pick some ixora flowers while Nnamabia unlocked the front door. NEWYORKER: Cell One - 3.
When I got outside, I was not sure what to do, so I picked up a stone near the ixora bush and hurled it at the windshield of the Volvo. NEWYORKER: Cell One