释义 |
1 ?常青藤学生服式样 : 中文名称: 常青藤学生服式样,轻便学生服式样 中文别名: 英文名称: Ivy look 英文别名: 中文名称: 艾维细直条纹 中文别名: 英文名称: Ivy stripe 英文别名: Page 316 of 693 [First]
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I'd try using vining plants like heartleaf philodendron or Swiss cheese plant, though ivy would also look lovely as well. 我试着用蔓藤植物如心叶洋绣球或者瑞士绳状藤,我认为常青藤同样也可以令人非常愉快。 - 2
The run time, through the Ivy technology, will look in the local repository to see if the dependency is present. 运行时通过Ivy技术查看本地存储库中是否存在依赖项。 - 3
Now, like an Ivy League school, it is starting to look for more well-rounded candidates, like those who have published books or started their own clubs. 而现在的它更像一所常春藤名校,开始把目光放在那些多面手身上,例如招一些出过书或是建过俱乐部的人。