释义 |
1 ?按成本 ... on agreement 按合同; 按合约, 按协议 to be in agreement 一致 at costs 按成本 ...
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The company runs sightseeing excursions around the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island and Manhattan at costs ranging from $130 to about $1, 000. 该公司经营的是短途观光线路,环绕自由女神像、爱丽丝岛和曼哈顿飞行,票价从130到1000美元不等。 - 2
The company offers packages for Facebook, the world's number one social networking site, that start at 1,000 friends up to 10,000 friends at costs ranging from $177 to $1,167. 该公司向Facebook用户提供了朋友数量从一千至一万名不等的各档套餐,价格则从177美元至1167美元不等。 Facebook是全球第一大社交网站。 - 3
The company offers packages for Facebook, the world's number one social networking site, that start at 1, 000 friends up to 10, 000 friends at costs ranging from $177 to $1, 167. 该公司向Facebook用户提供了朋友数量从一千至一万名不等的各档套餐,价格则从177美元至1167美元不等。 Facebook是全球第一大社交网站。