释义 |
- 只费举手之劳:指做一些轻松的事情,不需要付出太多努力。
- 不费吹灰之力:指做一些非常容易的事情,几乎不需要付出任何努力。
1 ?费举手之劳 ... lift a hand 费举手之劳 lift bridge 升降吊桥 lift capacity 空运能力 ... 2 ?动手 ... lend a hand帮助,帮忙 lift a hand动手,帮忙 offer one's hand伸出手 ...
- 1
There is no hope for us, and no need of pity-certainly not from you, who never lift a hand to help us. 我们根本就没有希望,也不需要你们的怜悯,你们从来都没想过要帮我们一把。 - 2
Your sons and daughters will be given to another nation, and you will wear out your eyes watching for them day after day, powerless to lift a hand. 你的儿女必归与别国的民。你的眼目终日切望,甚至失明,你手中无力拯救。 - 3
Each time I faced another group of steps, a hand would lift the suitcase. 每当我面对另一组台阶时,我只能用一只手提起手提箱。