释义 |
生物类 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?生活型级 ... living 释义:生存,生活,有生命的,活的 life-form class 释义:生活型级 life habit 释义:生活习性 ...
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Limited by the history and the class, their poetrys theme is narrow, their sentiment is lacking, and its form is lifeless, but we can draw some clues of imperial concubines life in the Tang Palace. 虽因历史和阶级的局限,她们的诗题材狭窄、感情贫乏、形式拟古滞板,但从中仍可窥见唐宫闱中后妃生活的一些端倪。 - 2
Usually in the form of poetry, its reflects the life of the lower class and its style inherits the traditions of folk culture. 其体裁多采用诗歌的形式,内容多接近下层民众,艺术上则继承了民间文化的传统。 - 3
Extensive experience designing, modeling, and managing software development life cycles form inception to commercial delivery of world-class products. 丰富经验的设计,建模和管理软件开发生命周期的形式开始向商业提供世界一流的产品。