... 交会点 point of intersection 交会点 crossing point; crossplot point; intercept point; intersection point; junction; meeting point; plotted point 地形交会点 topographical intersected point ...
... 拦截,阻止 intercept 拦截点intercept point; point of interception 拦截机 aircraft; intercept; interceptor; the intercepting aircraft ...
... 截击点 final interception point; intercept point 目标截击点 point of target interception 预计截击点 anticipated of interception point; planned intercept point; predicted intercept point; theoretical of interception point ...
Shear yield stress was defined as the interceptpoint on the Y-axis.
In some cases, there is a requirement of angular at interceptpoint, a guidance law I...
This guidance law, without the need of the target velocity, can make the underwater vehicle meet the target in the interceptpoint by self-organizing adjusting its lead Angle on line.