释义 |
1 ?拉里昂达 拉里昂达(Larrionda ),这位乌拉圭裁判因为将英格兰队催出了南非世界杯8强而备受瞩目。
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According to Fifa, Larrionda enjoys breeding animals, mainly birds, dogs and parrots. 国际足联提供的资料显示,拉瑞达喜欢饲养小动物,主要是鸟类、狗和鹦鹉。 - 2
In 2006, Larrionda, who is himself a former striker, also sent off a player in each of the six Copa Libertadores matches he took charge off. 在2006年,约格·拉瑞达就是前锋的噩梦,在他执法的六场南美解放者杯的比赛中各罚下一名球员。 - 3
Jorge Larrionda, of Uruguay, has dismissed a player in an incredible 70% of games he has refereed since making his international debut as an official in 1999. 乌拉圭籍裁判员约格·拉瑞达,自从他在1999年首次以官方正式裁判员身份执法首场国际比赛以来,他所执法的比赛中罚下球员的场次令人难以置信地高达70%。