产品中文名称: 拉罗皮兰 产品英文名称: Laropiprant 产品英文别名: (3R)-4-[(4-chlorophenyl)methyl]-7-fluoro-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-5-(methylsu
这种药是由美国制药巨擘默克药厂(Merck)生产,成分为长效型烟碱酸合并拉罗匹仑(laropiprant)。 研究人员将它和1种安慰剂用在2.5万名患者身上做测试时,这种药物却无法降低心脏病发作、中风或其他严重心血管问题的数量。
For Taylor, that still may not be enough information about the flush blocker, which is called laropiprant.
FORBES: Is Merck Flying Blind?
"While we're waiting, I'd say they need more head-to-head comparison data, including laropiprant versus placebo, " says Taylor.
Merck had planned to market niacin and laropiprant as Cordaptive and Tredaptive.
FORBES: Lessons From Merck's Niacin Failure