释义 |
1 ?拉曼 ...软件工程技术丛书 程序设计 计算机网络 UML 李洋译 机械工业出版社51.9销量:5件 《UML和模式应用(原书第版)》[美] 拉曼(Larman,C.
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He and Craig Larman are, in my opinion, two of the best thinkers about software development. 在我看来,他和Craig Larman是软件开发方面的最好的两大学者之一。 - 2
Craig Larman is a master teacher of software development, especially object-oriented, practices. Craig Larman是一名软件开发领域的大师,尤其在面向对象的实践领域。 - 3
In contrast to Mary Poppendieck, Craig Larman contended that gathering factual data about the efficacy of the practices is the key to getting more customers. 与Mary Poppendieck形成对比的是,Craig Larman主张,收集有关实践有效性的实际数据是获得更多用户的关键。