释义 |
- 闲逛,嬉戏:指在空闲时间里随意地玩耍或闲逛,不拘束地享受时光。
1 ?鬼混胡闹 ... tomboy行为似男孩的顽皮姑娘... lark about鬼混胡闹, 行为不负责任... blowout宴会 ... 2 ?鬼混 ... sand lark沙漠云雀 lark about鬼混, 闲荡 lark mirror反射镜 ...
- 1
She sang like a little lark about her work, and day after day said hopefully to herself, "I know I'll get my music some time if I'm good." 她像只小云雀般为自己的工作歌唱,每天都满怀希望地对自己说:“我知道有一天我一定会学好音乐,只要我乖。” - 2
Like the rest of us, I am still learning about this freelancing lark, but having a great deal of fun doing it, mistakes and all. 和大家一样,我依然在体会自由职业的乐趣,但是我乐在其中,无论是面对失败还是其它一切。 - 3
"The Apple stuff is so under-wraps they don't really want me to talk about anything, " she told Fortune a few weeks ago, before Lark launched. 她在几周前,即Lark发布之前,向《财富》(Fortune)透露,“苹果要求我严守秘密,他们非常不希望我谈论任何相关事情。”