释义 |
您要找的是不是: largon. 缓慢曲;广板 | adv. 缓慢地;庄严地... 1 ?拉里奥 (Lago di Como)也被称为“拉里奥”(Lario),位于马焦雷的东面,坐落在白雪皑皑的山峰下。畔种植着柏树、柠檬树、杜鹃花和橄榄树,是一处令人. 2 ?名字 ... 名字: Lario 姓: Robert 标签: Robert Lario ...
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"I can't. He would tell me his umpteenth lie and this time I couldn't stand it," Ms Lario replied. 拉里奥回答:“我不能,他只会告诉我又一个谎言,这次,我忍无可忍。” - 2
His wife, Veronica Lario, who wants a legal separation, reportedly seeks annual maintenance of EURO43m. 他的妻子韦罗妮卡拉·里奥要求合法分居,并要求每年4300万欧元的生活费。 - 3
In the new edition, she quotes Lario as saying that the Naples incident was only the latest problem in her relationship with her husband. 在新版中,她引述拉里奥的话称,那不勒斯事件只是两人之间的一个新问题。