拉瑞莫郡(Larimer County)警察局预备起诉这起被大肆渲染事件。男孩的父亲席尼(Richard Heene)是一名业馀科学家和发明家,他否认有关他藉机做秀的揣测。
科罗拉多州拉瑞默郡(Larimer County)警方19日说,大搞气球骗局把警方和媒体弄得团团转的理查与真弓?希恩(Richard and Mayumi Heene)夫妇,可能下周才会被正式控罪。
拉里莫县(Larimer County)雪松林镇(Cedar Grove)一名80岁妇女的房子被冲毁,预计那名老人已经死亡。
Hahnenberg's Type 1 incident response team -- the most advanced and capable available for a wildfire -- began working the Colorado fire Sunday night, according to Larimer County authorities.
CNN: 'Very large, unpredictable' Colorado fire grows
The sheriff of Larimer County, Colo.
NPR: A Boy, A Balloon And A Lot Of Hot Air