释义 |
- 大白:指一种英国品种的大型长身白色猪。
- 大白蝶:指一种白色的甘蓝蝴蝶。
- 1
Typical commercial pig breeds are the various landraces (Danish, German, Dutch, Italian, etc.) and the Large Whites in Europe, often crossed with the Pietrain race from Belgium. 典型商业化猪品种是各种长白猪(丹麦、德国、荷兰、意大利等)以及欧洲的大白猪,这种品种通常与来自比利时的比利华杂交。 - 2
While blacks are, by and large, poorer than whites, Bangladeshis and Pakistanis are poorer still. 总体来说,黑人不如白人富有,而孟加拉人和巴基斯坦人比黑人更穷。 - 3
No wonder Luton, with its large Asian population and aggrieved whites, is on edge. 大量亚裔人口和愤愤不平的白种人混杂居住,卢顿的剑拔弩张也就不足为奇。