越狱第一季08剧本 欧美剧本专区 Easy2lea... ... I'm fine. ( 我没事 ) I,uh,couldn't find anybody to cover for me anyway. ( 再说也找不到替我的人 ) I hope you don't feel like you own me anything. ( 我不希望你觉得欠我什么 ) ...
As for the trout, Dr. Bradley says his fish have enough trouble breeding on their own for it to be unlikely that they would do well in the wild.
He asked advice of Scottish dye works owner Robert Pullar, who assured him that manufacturing the dye wouldbewell worth it if the colour remained fast.
While the researchers assumed that the well-structured daily plans wouldbe most effective when it came to the execution of tasks, they were wrong: the detailed daily plans demotivated students.