跟单信用证统一条例UCP500 ... 为防止混淆和误解,银行应劝阻下列意图: In order to guard against confusion and misunderstanding, banks should discourage any attempt Ⅰ.在信用证或其任何修改中,加注过多细节; i) to include excessive detail in the Credit or in any amendment thereto; Ⅱ.在指示开立、通知或保兑一个信用证时,引用先前开立的信用证 (参照前证),而该前证受到己被接受及/或未被接受的修改所约束。 ii) to give instructions to issue, advise or confirm a Credit by reference to a Credit previously issued (similar Credit) where such previous Credit has been subject to accepted amendment(s), and/or unaccepted amendment(s), ...