释义 |
1 ?反应强度 反应强度(Intensity of Reaction):对刺激产生反应的激烈程度,包括正性情绪和负性情绪。如遇某事情是大声哭闹或兴高采烈还是反应轻微。 2 ?强度 9 反应 强度(intensity of reaction ):A1-9 第四章 , 研究结果与讨论 , 3 ?反应的强度 ... 反应的阈值(Threshold of responsiveness) 反应的强度(Intensity of reaction) 情绪特质(Quality of mood) ...
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Another is negative one easily inducing bad cultural model of mother such as high intensity of reaction, high activity level, low adaptability and so on. 容易引发母亲不良的教养方式的消极气质因素,如高反应强度、高活动性、低适应性等。 - 2
Partners can sometimes be overwhelmed by this spirited approach, something which is not necessarily a sign of their weakness, but simply a reaction to the ardent intensity of passion. 伴侣有时会被他们这种激烈的方式所征服,尽管这种方式也并不一定是软弱的表现,但它们仅仅是简单的兴奋反应而已。 - 3
According to the release intensity of the cortex vesicles, cortical reaction can be divided into the latent period, development period, climactic period, declining period. 根据皮层小泡释放强度,可将皮层反应分为潜伏期、发展期、高潮期、衰退期四个时期。