释义 |
1 ?点燃 点燃(IGNITE): 杀人, 越货, 居家, 旅行.. 2 ?引燃 ...化火球(Improved,Fireball),点强化烈焰术(Improved,Fire,Blast),点投掷火焰(Flame,Throwing),2/2,点引燃(Ignite),点烧尽(Incinerate),2/2,点炎爆术(Pyroblast),1/1,点,其实奥火的+点只要能出炎爆就是大火球,唤醒,沉默,气定,奥能... 3 4 ?燃点 ignite(燃点), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
- 1
Maybe even give a little smile and ignite that twinkle in your eye. 抑或只是一个嫣然浅笑,便点燃了你眼眸中的那抹闪亮。 - 2
United 93 is the first feature film to deal explicitly with the events of September 11, 2001, and is certain to ignite an emotional debate. 《93号航班》是第一部明确讲述911事件的故事片,这肯定是会引发一场情绪化的的争论的。 - 3
Once a burning firelighter is placed against a tyre, it takes a few minutes for a car to ignite, giving the arsonist plenty of time to escape. 一旦将一个燃烧着的打火机放在轮胎上,汽车需要几分钟才能点燃,这给了纵火犯大量的时间逃跑。