释义 |
1 ?基欧 表2列出了基欧(Kehoe)医生提出的人体血液和尿中的含铅量的分类值。他的分类是按血铅和尿铅含量划分为正常值、异常值(仍属安全的)和铅中毒危险值三类... 2 ?名字 ... 所属州: OH 名字: Kehoe 姓: Tom ...
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John Kehoe, Tcho's sourcing director, says chocolate is going down the trail blazed by speciality coffee, as consumers become more discerning. Tcho的采购总监John Kehoe说,随着消费者越来越有鉴赏力,巧克力正在沿着专业招牌咖啡的路径前行。 - 2
The only comfort economists can draw from their efforts, Mr Kehoe writes, is that their predictions fared better than Mr Perot's. A low bar indeed. Kehoe写到,经济学家们能从他们的努力中得到的唯一宽慰就是他们的预言比佩罗的进展得好,这个标准真是相当低。 - 3
Twelve years on, economists have shown little inclination to go back and check. One exception is Timothy Kehoe, an economist at the University of Minnesota. 12年来,经济学家们很少有兴趣回溯检查,除了明尼苏达大学的一名经济学家Timothy Kehoe。