释义 |
1 ?狮子和独角兽 ...方文化中狮子被认为是百兽之王,Lion is the king of animals;狮子还象征“权利和勇 猛”,如Lion and unicorn (狮子和独角兽)是 英国皇家徽章上的动物,lion heart 指勇士; lion 还有“危险”的意思,如:place one’s head in the lion’s mouth(置身险境...
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Petani Chinese New Year, lion dance, unicorn dances mainly, people will think that these two animal sickness, driving away evil and welcome good fortune. 大年新春,以舞狮、舞麒麟为主,人们认为这两种动物会驱邪、迎吉祥。 - 2
Shield emblem on each side by a new crown, England lion and a represents Scottish unicorn teams holding. 盾徽两侧各由一只头戴王 冠、代表英格兰的狮子和一只代表苏格兰的独角兽支 扶着。扶着。 - 3
To the Chinese, the dragon, phoenix, turtle, unicorn, lion and white crane are auspicious and benevolent. 风 、龟、麒麟、狮子、仙鹤等是人们想象中的瑞禽仁兽。